In-Market Audience Breakdown

Apparel & Accessories/Men's Apparel

This audience includes consumers who are actively planning to buy men’s apparel, such as shoes, clothing items and accessories. This is one of the biggest audiences in our database, and we recommend that you combine it with its subcategories for more accurate targeting. Some of the subcategories include outerwear, pants, shirts & tops, athletic shoes & sneakers, boots, dress shoes, socks, swimwear and underwear. Consumers in this audience turn to the web and social media to learn about the latest styles and trends, watch other shoppers showing their latest purchases and get inspiration from fashion influencers and experts.

Apparel & Accessories/Men's Apparel


There is a peak in purchasing intent during the Holiday shopping season in Q4. Otherwise, purchasing intent remains stable during the rest of the year.


This audience includes more male consumers than female consumers.

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Our Methodology

We analyzed Google Analytics accounts with millions of users to compile this dataset.



Our data set covers January 2020 to November 2021.