As a marketer, you need to know how to choose the best keywords and bidding methods based on the needs of your client. This is one of the key marketing skills that you need to master. Keywords and bids should be thought of as a whole, because it’s the combination of optimal keywords and bids that determine account performance in search campaigns. Audience targeting is also becoming increasingly important, especially for display and video campaigns.
Keyword research can help you the expected volume and CPC levels of the keywords your target audience use as they search for products or services.
Keyword research is absolutely essential to improve the performance of your marketing campaigns. It is an important step in building your advertising strategy since it enables you to ensure that your ads will be seen by the right people at the right time.
There are a number of tools, like Google's own Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs, that can help you with your research. These tools can help you find keywords that get a lot of traffic and are relevant to your product or service. They can also tell you how much competition there is for those keywords.
Once you have a list of keywords that are relevant, the next step is to figure out how you will go about bidding. This means that you have to decide how much money you are willing to spend every time someone clicks on your ad.
Bidding can be done both manually and automatically. In manual bidding, you can set a different bid for each keyword (or for all keywords in an ad group). In automated bidding, on the other hand, algorithms change your bid based on a number of factors, such as the signals from your target audience, your desired cost per conversion and the level of competition. Generally speaking, you have more control over your bids when you use manual bidding, but you do not have access to all the signals that are used in automated bidding.
A good strategy is to start your campaign with manual bids, ensure that you can track conversions, collect some data and then start testing automated bidding strategies. Without high quality conversion data, automated bids cannot work as efficiently. Estimating the maximum cost per conversion you can accept from your campaigns will help you better manage both manual and automated bidding strategies. This will help you figure out the best way to bid to reach the goals you've set.
In addition to analyzing each keyword, it's important to think about how they fit into your marketing strategy as a whole. Think about the types of content that you can create around these keywords and how they can be used to target different stages of the consumer’s journey.
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